We focus on your event in its entirety then break it down into components like the Marketing Plan then smaller detailed components within that overall plan.   We will work with you to help develop a comprehensive marketing plan to help you achieve your event goals.

We do this by helping you develop the entire scope of your target audience of your event and how to get those people out and once out make they show up again and again as repeat customers.

Today this means a lot of Social Media but also looking at all avenues media including traditional media that can very much come into play depending upon the size scope and budget of the event.

We focus on Social Media and stay  up to date with the latest trends

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Youtube

We have also worked with and will look at all forms of traditional media like:

  • Print
    • Brochures
    • Posters
  • Newspapers and Magazines
  • Radio
  • Television

We have experience marketing in non traditional areas like postering, Billboards and lots of Guerrilla marketing campaigns.

Below is a list of more Internet and Digital Marketing that can help you get your event numbers up.

  • Complete Websites
  • Website Design or Redesign
  • Google Adwords
  • HTML Email marketing
  • Pixels and Retargeting

A key area for contact with participants is Email Marketing.
At Tri 1 events we have won many awards for consistently high opening and click rates for our HTML emails .

Let us help you get the results you want.

We have experience with smaller events of 100 up to over 15,000 attendees so we know how to work with a wide range of events and event budgets.

We have run large and very small marketing budgets and are always look to maximize the ROI (Return On Investment) on the marketing budget.

If you need some help or have some questions then please reach out to us as we look forward to talking further with you about your marketing goals.